IM-WALD-SEIN's History

A break in the forest relaxes you and makes you happy, that's a well-known fact. But can the medicinal effect of the forest truly be measured, and does the forest really act as natural immunotherapy? What do you have to do? It was high time for a practical test. Forest bathing? Shinrin Yoku? IM-WALD-SEIN!

IM-WALD-SEIN's History

Healing power of the forest:

Top topic of our time

From Munich via Croatia...

IM-WALD-SEIN’s initial spark came from a forest bathing experiment by 12 Shinrin Yoku pioneers in September 2017 in the forests of north-west Croatia. Is Shinrin Yoku just a new trend, or perhaps a comprehensive health strategy? What are the benefits of a relaxing break in the forest? Can a person’s blood work improve after breathing healthy forest air? We have tested it.

How does a relaxing stay in the forest affect our immune system, our mood and our physical well-being? What's the deal with the phytoncides and terpenes that abound in the forest? How and why are they good for our health? We conducted an exciting experiment with astonishing results.

To Japan ...

At a leading congress on international forest medicine trends and facts in Tokyo in 2018, forest health expert Dr. Melanie H. Adamek got to know, among others, the leading Shinrin Yoku researcher and bestselling author Prof. Dr. Qing Li. At the same time, she completed a training course in Forest Medicine with INFOM (International Society of Nature and Forest Medicine) in one of the classic forest health centers in Okutama. Dr. Qing Li is an immunologist, co-founder of the research direction, and works as a clinical professor at Nippon Medical School, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. A close collaboration developed. In November 2019 the IM-WALD-SEIN® Academy was founded.

South Korea...

In March 2019, at the invitation of the South Korean Ministry of Forestry, Dr. Melanie H. Adamek, head of the IM-WALD-SEIN® INSTITUTE FOR FOREST MEDICINE AND FOREST THERAPY, deepened her knowledge in the international application of forest therapy at an international symposium on Forest and Human Well-Being: Challenging for Urban Society in Jeonju. The symposium took place on the occasion of the planning of the new forest therapy center Jin-An, which Dr. Melanie H. Adamek visited as part of an international delegation of experts. The participants were housed at the Jangseong National Center for Forest Activities and experienced essential elements of preventive healthcare and rehabilitative forest therapy.


In the spring of 2020, Dr. Melanie H. Adamek was appointed Vice-Chair of the Expert Committee for Forest Health Research of the WFCMS (World Federation of Chinese Medical Societies) and appointed to the Expert Committee for the Further Development of Forest Medical Treatment Standards. The IM-WALD-SEIN® INSTITUTE is looking forward to an exciting exchange with Chinese researchers and practitioners of Forest Healing and Shinrin Therapy.

To a medically effective application with us

Forest bathing and forest therapy can be taught and used in different fields of action. Founded at the end of 2020, the IM-WALD-SEIN® INSTITUTE FOR FOREST MEDICINE AND FOREST THERAPY has set itself the goal of promoting the interdisciplinary application and further development of evidence- and science-based forest medicine and forest therapy. Through the IM-WALD-SEIN® Academy, it originally teaches the Shinrin Yoku by Dr. Qing Li and specializes in health-related professions and fields of work as well as in the world of lived experience related to prevention healthcare. In the context of healing treatment, the setting-related IM-WALD-SEIN® method is understood as a complementary form of therapy. In addition to the diverse salutogenic effects, the IM-WALD-SEIN® method motivates users to lead a health-promoting lifestyle.

Vision. Mission. Values
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